Learning Your new Sewing Machine that has Embroidery Stitches

 I have a number of old sewing machines that have embroidery stitches.  They were new in 1996.

I learned everything by doing.

Get out your manual and a look at what needle they tell you to use for embroidery stitching.  Get the kind of thread they tell you to use.  Thread your machine the way the manual tells you. Be sure to put on the right foot on your machine, because you don't want to hit the sides of your presser foot.  It needs to be the one you use for zigzag sewing, so that there is room for your needle to go back and forth, the hole is a slot not just a round hole.  Not a zipper foot.   Your manual will tell you which to put on.

Get a piece of batting, and two pieces of fabric.

Practice using all of your stitches.

This is how I made these holiday hot pads, or centerpieces, or wall hangings, or door designs for in the center of wreaths, whatever you want to call them.

They were really my practice pieces, to learn things to do.

I just cut out random christmas things off other fabric.  I made a Christmas tree outline with different overcast stitches.

I used metallic embroidery thread and overcast the edges of each little picture to make them ornaments on the tree.

Every stitch is different and the metallic thread was glitzy and I got to see what each stitch would really look like

A fun easy thing to do to learn your stitches on your sewing machine.  They are Usable for Years!

The real tablecloth is green.  The random overlays can be anything to base your holiday look.

This was the Halloween Mat, the same idea.  Just used regular thread and every stitch that looked like I might want one day.
See the little cat head from the fabric in the eyes, for applique.


This was the reverse side of the Halloween cat.  Every overcast stitch that was fun looking.  Again using regular thread for the overcast on the edges and just the built in overcast stitches.

If you don't have a machine with built in overcast stitches you can use your zigzag or blanket stitch that they have on most basic sewing machines.  Use different colors or varigated color sewing thread...like greens around leaves, etc.

Aren't these fun?  And fun to do.  Just let your imagination go wild.

Pick a style Hair and clothes to suit your day:

Sewing using your embroidery stitches with variegated thread colors around the neckline in greens...


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