Sewing Inspiration
This is my sewing space... I don't have a room so this is my living space also. This is the view when I wake up. Don't ever think you can't do what you want to do. See that cat picture up there. My younger cousin..maybe 8 years younger was born without the use of his arms or legs. He got a degree and a masters and he paints with his mouth to support himself. I wake up every morning and look at the picture and 'Say-"I can do it!" ' I have a lot of challenges. But.. Nothing like his.... Nothing compared to some of the Inspirational Books that I keep around with major challenges like my cousin. I have complete use of my limbs...some are painful now, but hey, I can work, I can think..not as quick as I used to be. I loved this room. It came with a shower and no furniture, filthy rugs. I rented it after I had a bankruptcy, and and foreclosure. Looks happy doesn't it...Thank God I can sew. You can do it... thi...