
Showing posts from March, 2025

Sewing Inspiration

  This is my sewing space... I don't have a room so this is my living space also.  This is the view when I wake up.   Don't ever think you can't do what you want to do.   See that cat picture up there.  My younger cousin..maybe 8 years younger was born without the use of his arms or legs.  He got a degree and a masters and he paints with his mouth to support himself.  I wake up every morning and look at the picture and 'Say-"I can do it!" '  I have a lot of challenges.  But.. Nothing like his.... Nothing compared to some of the Inspirational Books that I keep around with major challenges like my cousin.  I have complete use of my limbs...some are painful now, but hey, I can work, I can think..not as quick as I used to be. I loved this room. It came with a shower and no furniture, filthy rugs. I rented it after I had a bankruptcy, and and foreclosure.  Looks happy doesn't it...Thank God I can sew.  You can do it... thi...

Hats...Theme Baseball Hats-Bucket Hats- Dramatic Hats

  Bear Hunting Hat and Old Car Hat and Camo Personal Hat By the way, I have no idea what I am doing....I made a cover for the hats and then did whatever.   Combo Sewing and Gluing. I started to sew on the inside of the caps to finish them but I worried that the edge would feel uncomfortable, so I got some permanent fabric glue to glue the inside edges with some topstitching. I am adding a Moose to the camo Hunting Hat Not perfect but good enough for hunting or hanging on a display hatrack These were all a learning experience I put too thick a stabilizer in the bucket. Maybe a grandchild will get it.  I would need to make it bigger and less stabilizer as I wanted to make it reversible. I need to do the finishing touches so I can go back to finishing the tummy time sloths minky throw.

Learning Your new Sewing Machine that has Embroidery Stitches

  I have a number of old sewing machines that have embroidery stitches.  They were new in 1996. I learned everything by doing. Get out your manual and a look at what needle they tell you to use for embroidery stitching.  Get the kind of thread they tell you to use.  Thread your machine the way the manual tells you. Be sure to put on the right foot on your machine, because you don't want to hit the sides of your presser foot.  It needs to be the one you use for zigzag sewing, so that there is room for your needle to go back and forth, the hole is a slot not just a round hole.  Not a zipper foot.   Your manual will tell you which to put on. Get a piece of batting, and two pieces of fabric. Practice using all of your stitches. This is how I made these holiday hot pads, or centerpieces, or wall hangings, or door designs for in the center of wreaths, whatever you want to call them. They were really my practice pieces, to learn things to do. I just cut...