What is Kitty Doing?.....Tiny stitch hand quilting...Traponto


I was given this fabric that was already sewn into a Queen size top by sewing three pieces together
Could I make it into a 5x5 childs quilt?

Simple enough, but then it would be so nice it if the characters were 3 D....

In  my mind...Sure,  I could do that... UH

Somebody stop me... that was over 2 weeks ago and I have worked on it every waking moment... 

Fabric...cut to size  2 pieces..front and back
Muslin and batting...cut same size...
Sew on batting and muslin to the piece for the top

Outline each figure through the sandwich and slice behind the figures and then stuff and hand stitch opening shut...

Top  done... uhoh... how to sew the back on....

Two pieces together and then sew on the binding... now

Hand quilt each figure
First of all you need the right tools....

To hand sew a quilt bigger than your small desk top you need a quilting rack.   I DO NOT HAVE ONE.... I do not recommend what I am doing....  A rack is about $200 + -  I am in a tiny space

Rings to Roll it to fit where ever under machine arm or on your hand sewing area-small Between needles that are very short for your small stitches....grabber (green rubber circle) to grip needle when it won't go through all the layers easily.... Thimble and use it... (I no longer have a good finger print...it is full of holes)..assorted needle threaders to get the thread through the needle eye quickly... tiny scissors....
Rippers... hope you never have to use them... Magnet grabber pin holder.....
Long handled magnet to pick up pins and needles that you drop quickly so you have a safe area all around you.

I can't see well anymore... I had to go out and buy this lamp... now I can see what I am doing... Thank goodness it was on sell... this is a must have for old eyes

And without that quilt rack I am like this tightrope walker 


Stitch... stitch... stitch

Where all the yellow pin heads are....stitch stitch stitch



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