Everyone needs a Hibiscus Free Flowing Jacket


This is a true hibiscus or Rose of Sharon flower Free Flowing jacket.  As you can see as usual I paired a scarf of the leftover fabric with a scarf of the leftover slinky knit in red.

To Look together your outfits can have a catchy pair of earrings,
a scrunchy or braided fabric bracelet.

I love this jacket with the feathers on it.  I satin stitched the edges of the chiffon jacket to give the simple appearance of serging.

I believe the red slinky knit pullover with the red slinky knit pants are catchy with any jacket that has a spot of red.

I made this slinky knit top to wear with the feather outfit .The other day.   Now with the new free flowing jacket, I have added slinky knit palazzo pants.   

Note the bottom of the palazzo pants has a cuff to add length to my tops of my shoes.  I love the slink of these pants and they have nice pockets and a drawstring added to the elastic waste. I tucked the long sleeves of this jacket into the pockets to show the things I love about this style....and sew comfy.


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